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Walking in Freedom as a Mom

Walking in Freedom as a Mom

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." -Ephesians 2:10

As a new mom, I soaked up the wisdom of all the mamas around me, I read heaps of books, I watched how other mothers tended to their children and modeled myself after them, I asked lots of questions and studied all I could. I was so excited about my new role, but I was also incredibly self conscious and fearful about being a mom. I wanted to do all I could to help my precious new baby grow and develop, and I strived to do it all the right way. And so the wisdom I sought from others began to be information that I took to be as an authority in my life. I was scared to try anything new or different than others around me, I felt nervous when it was time to help my girl sleep through the night and begin to eat solid foods. It wasn't long before I found myself feeling constantly depressed and experiencing a sense that  I would never have this mom thing figured out.

When we live under formulas to build a beautiful life, when we replace the still small whisper of God's voice with the loud voices of those around us, even in our christian communities, and even among friends, we can find ourselves feeling ever inadequate, full of guilt that we are not ever doing enough and full of worry that we will never measure up. 

God longs to walk with us as moms, to fill our sails like a gentle wind and help us soar across the sea unhindered. He wants to direct us, to lead us, to carry our burdens and our fears. Will you give yours to Him today? 

Here are a few ways to begin to walk in freedom as a mom, today, and everyday!

1. Remember Who God is and Who You Are to Him

To begin living in freedom an by faith as daughters of God, who have been given the great work of mothering and caring for the young begins with our understanding that we are women who God delights in. Do you know that you are His workmanship? Do you know that you are sung over, danced with, and cherished by the God who hung the stars of the Universe into place? Meditate on who God is and all He has done for you. Write down your prayers of thanksgiving and ways you have seen Him actively work in the details of your life. And when you are discouraged or questioning, come back to those notes and thank Him again.

2. Learn to be Content in the Personality God has Given You

Whether you are introverted, extroverted, love to spend time in the kitchen or would rather be exploring in the outdoors, God's design of your interests, your gifts and your limitations are no accident! You were designed with a purpose and a calling, and are uniquely suited to mother your children unlike anyone else. Take inventory of what you do well and of the areas where you struggle. Make a plan for how to overcome in the places where you lack. Every mom has meaningful strengths and places where she desires to see growth- don't be afraid to know yours well and be okay with where you are on the journey. 

3. Develop a Practice of Listening to ONE Voice

The most important thing you can do to walk in freedom and to experience a vibrant life in Christ is to spend time with Him. Read the Scriptures, spend time meditating on the gospels and observing the way Jesus spoke, nurtured, led and spent his days with his disciples. Ask Him to show you more and more of who He is and what He has for your life, for your marriage, your work, and for your children. He promises to meet you and lead you. What a joy that we are able to respond and to trust His voice above all others.

May you begin to walk with Him in freedom today sweet mamas,







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