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Finding Life In the Living Water

Have you ever been in a place of wondering β€œhow did I get here?” 

I have.

In my walk with my husband when I pursue my children over him.

In my walk with my children when I let distractions and to-do lists clutter my mind.

In my walk with God when the pressures of this life seem more real to me than the Words His heart has spoken to me.

And if I’m not purposeful, that β€œhow did I get here,” thought can creep back up more than I’d like to admit.

God created women to be the nurturers of the home. To care, love, support, encourage, but never without Him. How many of us have unintentionally taken the cares of our daily routine on ourselves?

The β€œeverything is fine, I can do this” until one day you wake up and can’t. Or maybe you can, but God is calling you to lay it down at His feet.

Maybe you are in that place now where God is relentlessly pursuing you to pause, to stop, and let Him take your load. The enemy knows one of a mother's greatest distractions is busyness. Buried in the load of to-do’s she loses sight in not only her husband and children, but many times herself, and the true calling God has put on the inside of her heart. 

Like a well, we become a bucket at the end of a never ending rope searching for water to pour out, and give back to others, or maybe even a drink for ourselves. And often times we become a well that will run dry if we are not purposeful and intentional about making sure that well is running on the Living Water.

John 7:38 states that, β€œWhoever believes in me, out of their heart will flow rivers of living water.” 

LIVING WATER. Not murky, diluted, run down, dried up, but LIVING. 

Living water brings healing, hope, and resurrection to wounded relationships.

Living water brings health, wholeness, and exudes a light that can be seen through you in even the darkest of times.

Living water, brings straight paths, plans, and vision for the future.

Living water is purposeful, alive, and able to bring fruit in every season of our lives.

 In the deepest part of our souls, God created man to thirst for a living water that can only be satisfied by His Spirit. By an intimate, dwelling, life giving relationship with the creator of all the universe, and the very soul that gives you breath. But so often times, the well of living water that is on the inside of us from the moment we first call Jesus, Lord, becomes dry, as we give to others so freely, and forget to be filled with the Source of the Living Water, Jesus Himself.

I believe that Jesus’s deepest desire next to seeing mankind welcomed into the Kingdom of God, is to do life with us. To walk alongside of us in our struggles, our hardships, our victories, and our daily routine. To be included. To offer power. But all too many times, we try to do it in our own strength.

Marriage. Motherhood. Church Ministry. Work. 

Buried, miserable, and burnt out, we become a shell of what once was a life giving well to our families, and others in our circle of influence. As Christians, prayer warrior mothers and wives, we have the authority to tap into the most powerful outlet known to man. The source that will never run dry, all we have to do, is plug in. 

Make time for God. Get connected. Stay connected. 

Taking the time to nurture your relationship with God by spending time in His Word, in prayer, and doing life with him, will not only wash your life by the Living Water, but God will make you a vessel to your family, and lost people who desperately need to find the hope you have. 


Dayna Mager

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