From Grouchy to Great Family eBook Bundle Sale
Happy 2019, Friends!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are gearing up for the New Year!
I have spent the last seven years with you in this community, listening and learning and doing my best to speak to the things that matter to you and will make a difference in your life as a mom. Today kicks off my very first annual eBook bundle sale and my hope is that these resources (and in particular our devotional challenge, From Grouchy to Great) can help you get motivated to start your year off right as a mom! This eBook sale is huge and I am thrilled to offer you the BEST deal with my From Grouchy to Great Family eBook Bundle! It contains the From Grouchy to Great Devotional Challenge along with a load of other resources for you and your family. (a value of over $80 for only $16.97!)
If you're unfamiliar with our From Grouchy to Great devotional, let me tell you that it is a game-changer. After spending too many days feeling guilty as a mom, I am 100% convinced that God doesn’t want me to wallow in that guilt. He has a better plan for me. When I intentionally take time to learn and grow, it changes me and in turn changes my mothering.
But don't just take my word for it. Thousands of moms have already gone through From Grouchy to Great and learned to walk in this freeing truth as well. Here are what some of those moms are saying:
"This book is amazing!! Just what this momma needed after feeling defeated at the parenting thing, it has helped me take a step back and realize it isn't my children that need to change (well maybe they could follow directions it was me, my heart and things I was holding onto. I highly recommend this to anybody at their wits end. My husband and I are doing it together so it isn't just for mommas, daddy's can benefit from it too.” -Robin
“This covered everything I am struggling with as a mom. Great advice backed by scripture. It really helped me focus back on God for the source of my strength to be the best parent He designed me to be.” -AJA
“I stumbled across this devotional at the perfect time in my life! I can definitely relate to every single topic shared in this daily devotional. Highly recommend to moms who find themselves struggling to find the Joy in the mundane tasks and obstacles of motherhood. LOVED IT and it has really helped me so much!!!” - LDM
“A book that speaks to you right where you are. Thank God that He put this in my hands. It was amazing how almost every day was speaking right to me! Loved how raw and transparent these writers are. I am not alone in my struggle to be a better mom and the God led encouragement in this book was refreshing!” - KGilbert
Now, let me answer some frequently asked questions about From Grouchy to Great:
Why From Grouchy to Great?
If you think about it, pretty much every single one of us moms struggles with feeling frustrated or angry almost every single day and most of us just accept that this is a part of motherhood. I have literally heard over and over again from you that this is an area you want to grow in. Now I’m not saying if you go through the devotional challenge, From Grouchy to Great that you will never feel tired, frustrated or angry again, but I am saying that there is a way to get to a healthier place emotionally... to grow through it…to become better by becoming more like Jesus.
How long are the devotions?
The devotions aren’t too short, but not too long either. Ha! The actual reading portion for each day is about one to three pages long.
Is it good for all stages of motherhood (babies to older children)?
Yes! The beauty of this devotional is that it is a compilation of devotions from contributors of blog. It is written from moms that are all different ages and in all different stages of motherhood.
Are the devotions relatable and practical to apply to my everyday life?
Yes again! This devotional is set up more like a challenge which means it is highly practical. Many of the devotions list out practical steps to take relating to the topic they are addressing. We also have tips listed throughout such as 10 Ways to Create a Home of Warmth and Grace & Four Tips When it Gets Tough etc..
What is the format/layout?
First, there is devotional reading with an applicable life story and practical insight. The devotion is followed by a handful of questions to point you to scripture, get you thinking about your life and reflect on what you have just learned.
Can it be done as a group and/or as an individual?
Yes! You can do this by yourself or feel free to grab some mom friends and go through this together! The questions at the end of each devotion will give you quite a bit to discuss in a group setting or in an online group.
Does it have space for me to write and record my thoughts?
Yes, there is some room to write after each question. However, if you are looking for something for more room to write thoughts and prayers, I will be including my prayer journal in the eBook sale.
Okay, my eBook super sale starts TODAY and runs for one week only! And…I have something for the kids too! Yay!
What's inside my From Grouchy to Great Family Bundle?
Included in the bundle are:
From Grouchy to Great: Finding Joy in the Journey of Motherhood Devotional Challenge
The Better Mom Prayer Journal
All four of The Dig for Kids Bible Studies – Proverbs, James, Luke 1, and Luke 2
Bonus kid’s activities for The Dig for Kids Luke 1 & 2
Bonus Warrior Weekend for Dads and their sons
Printable Verse Cards for you!
And more!
If you bought all of my family eBooks individually they would cost over $80, but today they're all available in my From Grouchy to Great Family eBook Bundle for only $16.97. (That's a savings over 80%.)
If you are ready to enter the New Year with focus and intention in your motherhood, I highly recommend checking the eBook bundle out because I won't have another big sale until the summer.
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment below or shoot me an email. I'd love to hear from you!
CLICK HERE for my From Grouchy to Great Family eBook Bundle.
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