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God Isn't Sneaking Out of the Room

God Isn't Sneaking Out of the Room

Do you ever struggle to put your kids to bed? Maybe find yourself longing to escape the routine and the rocking and just experience a little....freedom? As our hearts draw near to our children, we can also draw nearer to God and His father heart for…

My son, Jaxton, is nearly two years old, and I still rock him to sleep most nights. I know that there are studies, and research, and plenty of articles that I could read which would tell me wonderful ways to get him to go to sleep on his own. I just don’t have any interest in reading them (most nights.) I enjoy rocking my baby to sleep. He’s likely our last, and I’m sensing all of the baby days slipping away too quickly. Don’t get me wrong. There have been plenty of days when I just wanted my littles to be a little less needy. But most days, no matter what else has gone on in our house, I enjoy rocking that growing boy to sleep… Well, until one night a few weeks ago.

Jaxton was having a hard time settling down. He had taken one of those late afternoon, bedtime-bustin’ naps. Do your kids ever take those? One minute it is five o’clock, and you’re rejoicing that it is going to be early bedtimes for everyone in just a few short hours. And the next minute it is 5:01, and the baby is asleep. You know your baby won’t stay asleep for the entire night, so you’re in for the longest evening of your life.

On that night a few weeks ago, we were paying the consequences of one of those naps. It was nearly ten o’clock, and Jaxton was not interested in sleep at all. I was rocking, and singing, and begging Jesus to close my baby’s sweet little eyes. But it was not happening.

When Jaxton finally fell asleep an hour later, I wish that I could say that I placed him carefully into his crib, and he slept all night. Except, I can’t, because that didn’t happen either. Instead, for the next hour, every time I tried to put Jaxton into his crib, he would wake up and cry while reaching for me. It was exhausting. But when I finally placed him into his bed, and he actually stayed asleep, I tip-toed carefully out of his room, down the hall, and into freedom.

I have to be honest. Sometimes, I need to remind myself that God doesn’t feel that way about me. You know? He’s not trying to sneak out of the room. He’s not always looking for an opportunity to gain five minutes alone. As a matter of fact, He’s not going anywhere. Scripture reminds us of this in Dueteronomy 31:7 which says, "for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." And today, it is my joy to tell you, friend, that the same is true for you. Whether you are asleep or awake, He will still be there with you. And that is something we can all find rest in no matter how much sleep we did (or didn’t) get last night.


Becky Thompson, BeckyThompson.com

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