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What I Read {March 2014}

I have been sharing the books I am reading every month for three reasons: #1 to keep track of the titles, #2 to share them with you, and #3 to hold myself accountable (I am notorious for starting a bazillion books at once and never finishing any of them! This keeps me on track!) Click here to see what I read in January and here to see what I read in February. I pray it will inspire you to dig in and keep your mind engaged in learning!! Here are the books I read in March:


Happy Wives Club by Fawn Weaver: My friend Fawn from The Happy Wives Club hits it out of the park with this book. I couldn't stop reading! It is so much fun to travel with her around the world and learn about different cultures, as well as hear the secret of a happy marriage from couples who have been married for over 25 years. You will love this one!

treasuring christ when your hands are full

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman: Every mom needs this book. Period. I found myself underlining, highlighting and nodding in agreement throughout. Gloria reminds us of where are true focus lies even when we are feeling overwhelmed and frazzled. LOVE this book!


Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist

I love Shauna Niequist's writing. She always draws me in with her down to earth, real life stories. This is a candid account of some trials she faced and how God taught her through those circumstances to rest in His grace.

and by the way one of my favorite books is another one by Shauna Niequist called Bread and Wine (You HAVE to read this :)).

bread and wine

So what are you reading?? What books have you really loved lately??


Ruth Schwenk

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Balancing Ministry and Motherhood {Or Not}

Bi-Weekly Whole Food Meal Plan for April 13–26