10 Ways to Teach Your Children To Be Thankful
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and what a wonderful day it is to give our children a day to think of others and express thanks to God. While our family tries to work on principles of giving thanks year round, this month is a wonderful season to focus on the topic. It's also a great way to curb that "I want" spirit that is ever so tempting in the next month or so. Today's suggestions provide 10 ways to teach children to be thankful.
1. Set the example of being thankful.
Be sure your children hear you say "thank you" frequently. Whether in public settings, such as restaurants, grocery stores, or church, make it a priority to give others thanks for their services.
2. Encourage your children to write a list of thankfulness.
Perhaps you could hold a competition for the most creative list or the longest list. Maybe the list could be focused on things or people or events from the past year for which they are thankful.
3. Write out a family acrostic for the word "THANKSGIVING."
Take turns choosing the words to pair with each letter of the word.
4. Surround them with others who are emulating gratefulness.
A trip to the nursing home or hospital can be a wonderful place to see gratefulness modeled.
5. Write thank you cards.
Maybe you intended to write a specific thank you card and it slipped off the radar. Yep, that happens at our house. Have your children write their own birthday "thank you" cards. Or for this month's focus, think of someone who serves faithfully in your community, school or church, and encourage your child to write a general "thank you" to this person.
6. Prompt your children at family dinner to fill in the blank.
"Today I was thankful when…"
"I'm so thankful that ___________ is a part of my life each day."
"I'm grateful that God has given us___________________."
7. Assist your children in remembering to give thanks at appropriate times.
"Johnny, could you tell Mrs. Smith "thank you" for the delicious apples she gave us?"
8. Thank your children for their help.
When my children do their chores, laundry, dishes, whatever it is, I do my best to remember to be appreciative of them right in the moment.
9. Read Bible verses together that focus on thankfulness.
You can find a cool set of chalkboard printable Bible verse cards here.
10. Start a journal of thankfulness.
This could be a family activity or individual activity. For ideas on journaling thanks, click here.
And there you have it- 10 ways to teach your children to be thankful.
Would you share with us your ideas for teaching your children to be thankful?
We'll thank you for it!

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