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8 Simple Ways to Have a Memorable Thanksgiving

8 Simple Ways to Have a Memorable Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a special time of year, but like any holiday, it can be really easy to let it just pass you by! Here are eight simple ways you can have slow down and have a memorable Thanksgiving with your family this year….
  1. Pass the Basket: Print or copy Bible verses about thankfulness on a single sheet of paper. Cut verses apart into single strips. Fold and place in a basket; then pass the basket around the table and take turns reading a verse. Here's a list of verses to get you started.

  2. Simple Craft: Trace your hands to draw a turkey; then have fun naming and coloring your artwork together.

  3. Thanksgiving acrostic poster: Write the word "THANKSGIVING" portrait edge of a piece of poster board. Assign a letter to the individuals present at the dinner table and think of something for which you are thankful that begins with the letter you received. IE: T is for time with family, H is for a home to live in, etc.

  4. Thankful tree: Gather bare branches for a large vase. On leaf cutouts, write down things for which you are thankful. This could be done one at a time over several days; watch the tree grow with leaves of thankfulness.

  5. Hide-A-Thanks: Hide a small message of thanks under the napkins at place settings. This is a neat little surprise if you use a fan napkin fold similar to this photo, resembling a turkey.

  6. Restaurant Art: Cover the tablecloth with white paper (freezer or art) and leave art supplies on the table. Guests and family can draw all over the table restaurant style during meal preparations.

  7. Community Event: Attend an early morning community event together before the prep work for dinner begins. Perhaps a local run or soup kitchen.

  8. Short Testimony: While everyone is gathered the table, name one thing for which you are thankful about the person directly beside you. Taking turns saying this out loud can serve as a very memorable way to remember to give thanks to God for one another.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of celebration for God's blessings; I hope these ideas have prompted some thoughts on making this holiday special, yet uncomplicated.

What do you do to celebrate Thanksgiving in a simple, creative way?

We'd love to read about it in the comments below!


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