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Is there really a God?

Is there really a God?

Do you struggle to believe there really is a God? Or maybe you believe but you want to help someone in your life understand. Maybe it is a good friend, family member or your own child. I get it. Sometimes God can be hard to explain or understand. The truth is there will always be a bit of mystery but there is much we can know and share with others.

While numerous theories about God, religions, and beliefs have emerged, logic and the beliefs themselves make it impossible for all of them to be correct. In fact, most are mutually exclusive; there cannot be no God, and a God, at the same time; there cannot be one and only one God as some religions believe and, at the same time, be many Gods; and so on. So where do you turn to learn more? I am excited to introduce you to a new site called God Really Exists.

In an effort to put all of these issues in proper perspective, God Really Exists lays out a broad variety of factsand logic that can help you study and understand this most important topic. The thorough overview and technical detail included on this website is amazing. For example, did you know these mind-blowing features and capabilities of the amazing human body….

  • Trillions of cells, with literally billions of nerve cells & miles of blood vessels.

  • Incredible human body functions such as thought, senses (touch, smell, taste, sight, etc.), sexuality, childbirth, and many other items.

  • Each body has eyes, hands, brains, legs, lungs, heart, liver, kidney, reproductive organs, a head, etc., each with incredibly sophisticated capabilities.

  • Each cell in the human body contains trillions of ultra-sophisticated molecular machines, each with amazing critical functions and capabilities.

  • Childbirth perfectly merges the DNA of two people into a new unique person.

  • There is enough DNA information capacity in a single human cell to store the entire Encyclopedia Britannica three or four times over.

  • And much, much more.

How about our incredible universe…

  • There are over 10 million billion stars in the universe.

  • There is an incredibly large and complex sun (you can put over one million earths plus 4.3 million moons in the sun!)

  • Venus is 26 million miles away, Mercury is 50 million miles away, Jupiter is 367 million miles away, Saturn is 790 million miles away, Pluto is 2.7 billion miles away.

  • There are billions of miles between all the stars.

  • There are numerous improbable and fine-tuned factors that must be precisely in place and balanced for the survival of life on Earth.  Without any one of these factors, life would not be possible.

  • And much, much more.

All of these amazing facts scream out the questions, “Where did everything come from? How did this happen? Was there a creator/designer?”  

“It is our sincere hope that this website, along with all the included references, provides a broad range ofirrefutable truths and logic that readers can use as a basis to form their own beliefs and opinions. We encourage you to thoroughly contemplate each of these fascinating facts and develop a deep understanding that facilitates this most important consideration of your life.” – God Really Exists

God Really Exists is an incredible resource as you seek to discover and learn more about God. You can visit their website HERE and follow along with all of their intriguing blog posts HERE.



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