Say Goodbye to the Perfect Home
Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
-Romans 12:13
When I heard the doorbell ring, I was immediately terrified. We were eating dinner as a family, so I quickly peeked out the window to see who was there. When I saw several friends who had stopped by unexpectedly, my heart sank. You see, my home was a complete mess, and I really didn’t want them to see it that way.
“Come on in”, I said sheepishly. Secretly, I was hoping they were just passing by and that a quick hello and goodbye would be enough. I was more than happy to see them, but not so thrilled at the thought of their seeing flustered me and my not-so-picture-perfect home. I had been gone all day. Laundry was piled in the family room. Toys littered the hallway. Dinner, along with its remnants, was clearly visible on—and under—the table.
But to my surprise, what started out with my uncomfortable invitation to come in turned into an important revelation for me. I discovered that my presence is far more important than the perfect home. What makes a home is not the brick and mortar or whether it’s spotless or stylish. What makes a home is the presence of the people who live there.
For many years of being a mom, I was nervous about opening our home to others because I was afraid it wasn’t big enough, and I certainly couldn’t have it cleaned up enough. I mistakenly thought my home had to be perfect before I could practice hospitality.
Do you struggle to invite people to your house? Are you nervous about what someone might think of your home? Don’t let your idea of perfection keep you from inviting people in Remember that your presence is far more valuable to them than the perfect home.
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