Speaking Life Into Your Family
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
It’s a sobering fact that our words reflect who we are. Jesus put it this way: “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of ” (Luke 6:45).
Clearly, ours is not simply a word problem; ours is a heart problem. Our words reveal what is going on in our hearts! We use thousands of words every day—some suggest as many as ten thousand! The Bible teaches us that words are not neutral. Words carry weight and have significant power. I’m guessing you can still remember certain words that were spoken to you years ago. Some of those words were undoubtedly painful, but maybe others were positively powerful. Words can make or break a marriage; they can make or break a child. Harsh, sarcastic, and controlling words can do indescribable damage.
But gentle, kind, and encouraging words can strengthen and protect a family. Speak life into your marriage. Tell your husband you love him. Express your appreciation to him. Encourage him. Guard your lips from harsh or critical words. Speak life into your children. Tell them often that you love them. Let them know the traits you appreciate that make them unique. Avoid harsh and critical words. Encourage your kids, and pray for them. And ask God to change your heart so He changes your words. Pray that you would be cautious with not only what you say, but how you say it.
Father, help me be careful of how I speak to my family members. Renew my heart so that I might overflow with words that are loving, encouraging, and truthful. Guard my lips from tearing people down. I pray that You would strengthen my family by strengthening the way we talk to one another. Help me bring life, not death, to one another through the words we use. In Jesus’ name, amen.
What do you think your words reveal about your heart? What life-giving words will you speak to your spouse and your kids today? We’d love to hear your feedback!
Excerpted with permission from The Better Mom Devotional by Ruth Schwenk, copyright Ruth Schwenk.
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