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4 Tips for Nourishing Your Mom Heart

4 Tips for Nourishing Your Mom Heart

Motherhood is exhausting and draining at times. I know that when I go too long without taking a little time for myself, I burn out faster. Please read into that…I get crabby and cranky with my family. It’s lovely. Nothing like hosting a podcast called “The Simply Joyful Podcast” and admitting that I’m sometimes less than happy and joyful at times. Oh, the pressure.

Actually, pressure is exactly what we feel when we aren’t real with each other and falsely think that everyone else has it all together. So, there you go. We should start a support group.

“Hi, my name is Kristi, and I get grumpy with my husband and kids.”

I think I might laugh too hard trying to spit those words out in a circle of moms. But here’s the thing. We all feel that way. It’s normal. However, there are things we can do to nourish our mom hearts and feel less frustrated by the end of the day.

Busy is never going to equal calm and relaxed. We have to become intentional about creating some white space in our lives…even if it’s just for the purpose of finishing a thought.

1) Schedule “Quiet” into Your Day

Amen! We all need quiet. I have five kids and I love quiet when I can get it. It’s not always easy, especially when your kids are little. Personally, I’m a big fan of nap times and quiet times for kids of all ages. Not every day is a success for late afternoon quiet, but I try. Sometimes I attempt to find down time in the early morning or evening. Other times I just have to coordinate with my husband or even friends to find a way for me to get out of the house for a little break.

2) Find a Hobby

I’m often asked how I got started speaking and writing. Well, I was looking for something to do that I enjoyed and that would scratch that itch for wanting to be creative. We all need a creative outlet. I love writing. Maybe not so much when I’m under a deadline, but it helps me to tap into that “adult” side of me that I feel gets lost in a day focused on kids.

3) Get Books on Tape

I don’t always have time to sit down to read. I love it when I do. But there are times when it’s just easier to put my headphones on and listen to a book. I do find that fiction books are best to listen to. I use Audible for most of my audio books. However, sometimes I can find some good audio books at the library.

4) Listen to an Encouraging Podcast

I know, I’m a podcaster. So, of course, I’m a fan of podcasting. However, I didn’t even know about them until about two years ago. There are so many wonderful podcasts out there. Ones for moms. Ones for entrepreneurs. Ones for homeschoolers. Ones for…really any thing you are interested in. I love listening to them while I’m folding laundry, making dinner, and getting ready in the morning. It’s encouragement on the go, too. I often listen to my podcasts on walks or as I’m running errands.

Make time for yourself. It’s not a bad thing. I used to say that we need to fill ourselves up in order to pour out to others. Yes, that’s true. However, the more we lean in on Jesus He will give us all we need to pour out to others regardless of whether we are getting down time or white space. 

There are just going to be some seasons that are harder than others to get breaks. However, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.

So, look at your calendar, talk to your spouse, and schedule some time to nourish your mom heart.

Blessings and joy,

Kristi Clover

Let’s Connect: My Website, My Simply Joyful Podcast, — &  YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter

P.S. If you’d like a free digital copy of my Sanity Savers for Moms book, you can get a copy here. I hope it blesses you. I also have some really fun giveaways going on with my Simply Joyful Podcast. Be sure to check it out HERE.

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