Establishing Family Traditions for the Spring Season
Oh, oh, oh, it is soooo close. The smell of Spring is in the air, and I can hardly wait! The piles of snow, sidewalks and streets riddled with salt, and bone-chilling bursts of the wind that take up a typical winter will be long gone. As we enter a new season, it is a time for us to continue some and create all new traditions in our homes.
Traditions are important. As we read the Bible, we learn that God instructed His people to follow regular rhythms. These rhythms were meant to remind God’s people of sacred traditions that communicated sacred truths. Each of these appointed times became a yearly tradition when the people of God refocused on who God is and what He had done for them. Just as God used those times to refocus His people, we can use our traditions to celebrate all that God surrounds us with. As a family, we can create our own rhythms.
As I think about the Spring fast approaching, I want to be sure to grasp this time before it’s gone and learn to celebrate all the beauty this time of year has to offer. Here are a few ways to welcome the season into our homes:
Grow Spring Flowers Inside – Nothing says spring like flowers! Every year plan to buy a small potted bulb plant like a Paperwhite and watch it slowly grow and bloom. Take some time to talk about the Spring season with your children and how God has created the plants to change and grow during this time. It is a fun way to bring spring in.
One Day Park Hop – The weather is beautiful and it is time to head on outside! Plan a day and map out all of the parks in your area. Spend a certain amount of time at each park until you’ve checked all the parks off of your list. Bring a packed lunch and have a picnic along the way! All in one day!
Complete House Clean Up - Yep. It’s that time! Time to crack open the windows, let the fresh air in, and do so some serious spring cleaning and purging! I encourage you to get the entire family involved. A super cute way to encourage even your littlest ones in this seemingly daunting task, is to read One Hand, Two Hands by Max Lucado each day before getting started. Whether teens or tots, everyone can have a part in helping. Take a room at a time, one per day for a week and its done!
Make a Resurrection Garden – I LOVE this idea for the whole family. It is a beautiful way to prepare for Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Christ! All you need is a dinner plate sized pot, another small pot, grass seed, soil and small rocks. Search online and you will find all sorts of ideas to make your very own garden!
Maybe you grew up with many traditions, or maybe you had few. Whatever the case, traditions, big or small, can leave a lasting imprint. Simple traditions may not always seem like much to us, but they can be a lasting legacy for our children.
Is there anything special you do to welcome the Springtime? What new unique tradition can you incorporate into your home as you usher in this new season?
"A delightful way to show little ones how their hands are a blessing from God that they can use to do help others. Written in rhyming text and illustrated with the charming art of Gaby Hansen, this simple message of God’s blessing of hands not only entertains . . . as it teaches what wonderful things our hands can do from scratching, latching, and petting a pup to washing dishes with mommy and putting toys in a box . . . but it also conveys the important message: We can use God’s gift of hands to show our love for Him by helping others. The book ends tenderly with a prayer of thanks to God for hands and asks Him to use them again."
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