The Power of Saying No
This post is written for the momma who has trouble saying "no". To the momma trying too hard to be everything to everyone saying yes to anything that will help her earn that place in world. The momma that is doing it all in her own strength, even when God is telling her not to. To the momma who is hurting because she is stretched too thin to think. Too thin to move. And sometimes, too thin to breathe. The words I type are for you.
The Power of Saying No
Every week on the Managing Your Blessings prayer request page, I receive many emails for prayer from hurting women. Many of them mothers who beat themselves up for things that their children are going through. And one of the biggest themes I have seen with these requests is the simple inability to say no to outside distractions- and yes to the call of God.
And what exactly does that mean?
It means that when things are falling apart at home - whether in your marriage or in your parenting - it is okay to say no. It is okay to say no to anything that is not directly involved in strengthening that area of your life. No to the PTA. It is okay to say no to the ladies tea that you usually host each year. No to the co-op that beckons your time. It is okay to say no to the endless obligations that you have allowed to define you in the past. It really, really is okay.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you should say no to all of your commitments outside the family. I am saying that I see so many of my sisters in bondage because they are too afraid to say no to things pulling them in every which direction.
And I will let you in on a beautiful secret dear sister: There is power in saying no to things that take you away from your , and yes to Jesus.
The power in saying no to things that pull you away from God means you are being obedient to the Father. It means that you are no longer worried about what people think, rather, you are concerned with responding to the call of God on your life. The power of saying no to the things that distract you from your God given purpose allows you to say YES to the will of God. And this dear sister is a power that can only come through closeness with Christ Jesus.
Let me pray for you:
Father God, I am so thankful for my sister reading this that is struggling in this area of her life. Today I pray that she will find comfort and solace in your presence. I pray right now Lord that you would reveal to her all the things in her life that are coming in between her relationship with you. I pray that she will let go of the past and allow you to do a new thing in her life -- today -- right where she is at. I thank you Lord for giving her the power, by your Spirit, to say NO to the things that separate her from you. You are faithful to your word, Lord, and I thank you now that it is done. In Jesus' Holy and precious name I pray, Amen!
Let God's Word Transform You
As you start to seek changing in this area of your life, remember to meditate on the Word of God.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
Hang in there, sweet sister and stay consistent. Give yourself some room to grow in His grace. I promise you, if you hold fast to His Word, He is faithful to perform it!
Rooting for you!
Carlie @ Managing Your Blessings
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