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Motherhood is Art

Motherhood is Art

Motherhood is Messy, Like Art

Sure, motherhood is messy, but the outcome is a beautiful piece of artwork. We can mother in creative ways and we can learn to turn life into art. But creating art leaves a mess behind. That's just the way of it. And poetry doesn't always make sense at first glance. But as our lives unfold, we begin to understand the words are woven together how God wanted them to be, all for His glory.

Motherhood doesn't always look exactly the same from mother to mother. God has gifted us with the ability to create in different ways; to mother in different ways, while still keeping that running thread of biblical motherhood.

Cultivating Fruit Takes a Lot of Work

We are given such a high calling to lead our children to the cross and teach them to become disciples of Christ, yet sometimes it can feel  mundane or overwhelming or never ending and we just want to see the fruit of our hands. Moms, the fruit takes so long to come forth and the work that we are doing now, is what will help make that fruit come forth. We prepare the soil, till it, feed it nutrients and God brings the fruit.

It is nothing less than a work of art and beauty as we cultivate the souls of our children for the glory of God. As we cling to Him through our inadequacies, our impatience, our failings, we rely on Him to be our portion and mold us into His image. Maybe the mundane of motherhood doesn't make you come alive, but there is something else within you that can bring an element of spark to the everyday.


Or, maybe it's simply a matter of perspective. Maybe you don't see motherhood as art, as creative, as poetry. Yet it is one of the most important works of art or pieces of poetry we will ever bring forth.

Emily Freeman says,

"Uncovering your art does not mean you will find only rainbows and sunshine to pour out on everyone around you. Uncovering your art is about uncovering what is really there within you, coming face-to-face with your profound capacity for beauty as well as sin, your deepest dreams and your longing for God." -A Million Little Ways

As moms, it's natural for us to desire the best for our children, and art takes work! We desire to see our children live for Christ and walk out His will for their lives. It takes some creativity and intentionality to raise children in a world that is quite counter to what God calls us to.  But it's not impossible. 

We are already equipped for the task, it simply needs to be uncovered from the discouragement and inadequacies we place upon ourselves. God is our portion and we don't tap into Him nearly enough because of our excuses of being busy. And that's what they are. Excuses. Let us go to the One who can uncover who He's created us to be.


Christin Slade, Joyful Mothering

This post was inspired by Emily P. Freeman's latest book (affil link), A Million Little Ways

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