Thanks Mr. Stevenson...
...but this can be incredibly difficult to remember as a Mom!
Motherhood should really come with a caution label attached to whatever sweet child we're welcoming into our hearts and homes:
'You may or may not see results of your efforts for years to come. Keep loving anyway.'
In our world of instant gratification, fast communication, and a promise for everything to be done in quick-like manner, we can lose sight of God's perspective -
God doesn't mature people, especially not our children, instantly.
I just don't see this in Scripture. There was often a process involved. There was a passing of time, a testing of heart, a refining of character. Bottom line?
The harvest didn't come right away.
As women of God, mothers who want to do right by our families and our children, we do well to set our mind not on the ways the world judges and thinks, but on the ways of God:
'And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.' Galatians 6:9
I think our culture gives us a significantly different message. One that involves throwing in the towel or feeling completely defeated when we don't see in our children what we'd like to. The message of the gospel instead is for us to persevere, to continue doing good... stay faithful.
God is interested in our faithful getting-back-up-again attitude. He's looking for Moms who know they aren't capable of doing it right all alone, but who trust in His hand to lead them, guide them and shape their mothering for the better.
Feel a need to evaluate how you're doing as a Mom?
Ask yourself if you're doing good...if you're attempting faithfulness, even imperfectly, day after day after day. Then keep loving, keep mothering, keep moving on.
The harvest will come.
Daniele Evans, Domestic Serenity
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