We want to wish each and everyone of you moms a Happy Mother's Day! We worked long and hard to put this together this surprise for you!
Some of you may know that The Better Mom website and ministry began just about a year and a half ago. I have to say that this has been an incredible journey for us all. We are so humbled and amazed by God’s work through the thebettermom.com. I am thrilled to share with you our very first resource from The Better Mom team of writers. We are calling it Rhythms! As you read the Bible, you begin to notice that God instructs His people to follow certain rhythms. In the Hebrew Scriptures, this came by way of yearly feasts, holidays, or appointed times. In the New Testament, we are told to "remember" and "proclaim" Jesus' death and resurrection as we gather regularly at the Lord's Table. These rhythms were, and are, meant to be reminders. They are sacred traditions containing sacred truths.
This is a book about family rhythms. Each of them, in their unique way, is a family tradition meant to instruct, inspire, and help pass on memories worth remembering. Our hope is that these family rhythms will help you to establish your own traditions worth passing on to the next generation!
I want to personally thank you friend, for joining our community and sharing life with us. I pray that this book will be a tool that God uses in your family to create traditions that will last a lifetime.
Click the subscribe button below to get our free eBook....and have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
(NOTE** You can also subscribe in the link in the sidebar. Once you subscribe by email, you will receive the link for the free eBook at the very bottom of your next email from us.)
Blessings, Ruth
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