I know that being a mother can be tough at times, plain hard to be exact. I am a mom, just like you. I know what it is like to feel undervalued. I know what it is to suffer unspeakable losses and unjust situations due to things beyond our control. I have felt the betrayal of trust, countless lies told about me, the fury of someone's wrath for things that I didn't do. I have walked through seasons of sickness, loneliness, and despair. I have mothered alone while my husband was at war five different times. And I know you have gone through many hard things too. But through it all, we are still "Mom" and have a duty to raise our children.
I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggle. Countless other moms are doing what you are doing and struggling like you are struggling every single day. And the truth? You are still a beautiful child of God. You can still be a wonderful mother even when things all around you seem to be falling apart. You can still be accomplishing the very will of God in the midst of your very real struggles.
We all enjoy times of peace. However it is very important to remember that when we seek to be more like Him, He has to rid us of our impurities. Never forget that God's promises us to give us beauty for our ashes. There are many things disguised in our sin that God has to burn out of us in order to purify us for His glory and make us more like Him. It's all a part of the process. But the end result? Beauty.
While the struggles will come, so will the victory so long as you continue to fight the good fight of faith. I want you to know that I am praying for you. If I were able to, I would hug you and look you right in your eyes and tell you that I love you. I am fighting right beside you along with the multitude of other moms around the world. You are important, dear mom who is struggling. Very important. Never believe anything less.
Hold your head high, dear momma who is struggling. Your purpose is grand and you are very important. You are beautiful and valuable, dear struggling mom. You are necessary in God's plan. You are a life-giving masterpiece created by the King of Kings for His glory. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and this too shall pass. Before you know it, you'll be walking into a season of rest. I'll meet you there!
P.S. Here are a couple of resources to help you along the journey:
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
Brokenness: The Heart God Revives (Revive Our Hearts Series)
Carlie @ Today's Frugal Mom™
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