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The Power of Testimony & Better Mom Mondays Link-up!

We get lots of bad weather and minor but still dangerous tornadoes in our area. In fact, in the last few weeks we've had more storms, tornadoes, and flooding than any of us care to experience. But, that isn't the point of this post. The point is, a few years ago during a tornado warning that was issued close to our home, I hurried my kids into the bathroom and settled in to wait out the warning. Within minutes I could see the fear sweeping across their little faces. "Mom, is Jesus going to let us die?"

Be still my heart. All I could do was start praying. I needed God to grant them peace as well as protection.

Midway through the prayer I started thanking God for all the times He saved one or all of us from an uncertain fate. I began to cry as I recalled how I felt in those moments. When I said the final, "amen," I looked up to see the confusion in their eyes. That is when the questions started. They wanted to know about all the events I had mentioned in our prayer. I couldn't believe that I had never shared with them their own testimonies.

I told them all the stories of times that I knew without a doubt God had intervened in some way. They were intrigued. Before I knew it we had spent nearly two hours in that bathroom and the storm was long gone.


Since then I've seen a change in their faith and prayer life. We come together often to recount their testimonies and even share new ones. In fact, now we include the day in the bathroom as a testimony of God's faithfulness to remind this mama to share these truths with her babes. I'm forever thankful.

Have you shared testimonies of your child's life with them?


Amy, AmyBayliss.com


So now it is time to LINK-UP and join the party!!!!

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Better Mom Mondays Link-up is every Monday!!! Every week we have hundreds of posts linked up here from so many beautiful women with beautiful things to share!  I encourage you to visit their sites by clicking on the links and reading all of the fantastic ideas and insights! Also don't forget to join the fun by adding your blog!!   We request that if you join below -please add the Better Mom Mondays Link Up button to your post so your readers can find us here! (Posts can include the topics of mothering, marriage, homemaking, discipleship, recipes, organization and more!) You can find the html code in the sidebar, or "save as" copy, and paste the button below.

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