Over 10 years ago I remember being influenced by my grandfather to begin a daily journal. Though it was a bit sporadic in my younger years I’ve kept up with it on a regular basis for a long time.
Sometimes I spend a long length of time writing but most of the time I just take about 5 minutes to record the events of the day. I scrawl out in relaxed handwriting my excitement, sadness, hopes and dreams or just the hum drum of everyday life.
I’ve found great benefits for myself in journaling. I’m able to vent my feelings, look back at dates and events and reflect on the amazing things God has taught me through the years.
My journals aren’t just for myself though. Someday when I have children of my own they will be able to look back and read the story of my life.
Maybe a future daughter of mine will read and smile as she sees the tear stained pages of my struggles and then how God kindly gave me the desires of my heart.
Maybe a future son who is struggling to trust the Lord will be encouraged as he reads of the countless small miracles where God’s provision was undeniably there.
I want my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be able to read the story of my life that He authored, written in my own hand writing.
I’d love to encourage you to consider starting a daily journal. Not only will there be many benefits for yourself but you can greatly bless and encourage the generations to come. Daily journaling provides 3 things:
1.) Bench Marking Journaling provides a way for you and your future children to practically see the spiritual growth and maturity in your life.... from where you started, to where God has brought you now and the amazing journey along the way.
2.) Stone Stacking
Remember when the Israelites crossed the Jordan river? God called them to make a pile of stones as a memorial so future generations would see it and remember the greatness of our God. Journaling is like that. When you or your future children read through old journals you will have the opportunity to remember the great things our God has done in your life. We are forgetful people so to have a written account of the way God miraculously provided in the past will be priceless.
3.) Story Writing
Even if you only write for 5 minutes per day over the years you will have written the story of your life, in your own handwriting. Just imagine years after you are gone what a treasure it will be for your family to find your story written down. You have a great opportunity to share with them in your writing your struggles, your trials, your love for them, your faith and your amazing God. Think of the impact you could have when your legacy lives on through your journals.
Why not take a few minutes each day with a pretty journal and a trusty pen? Write your story. You never know the incredible way your legacy could impact generations for years to come.
Ashley Schnarr
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