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Wait Training 101 & Better Mom Mondays Link-up!!

Ever feel like, spiritually speaking, you are signed up for an intense "wait training" class?

You pray. You ask. You anticipate God's answer, but like an Internet page taking a long time to load, you must wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

But just as physical weight training builds strength, so does spiritual "wait training". We are promised this in God's word.

Isaiah 40:31 says,

".....but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

How can waiting renew our strength? After all, doesn't waiting seem to sap our strength as we worry, and fret and drum our fingers impatiently? As we play the "What if?" game in our minds:

What if this doesn't work out?

What if God's answer is "No"?

What if the thing I fear the most actually happens, what then?

I have found that to shift my perspective in the waiting times, I can actually renew my strength.

I try not to think of those time of seemingly silence from God as waiting on the Lord (as in sitting and anticipating a response) but as in waiting (like a butler, maid or restaurant server).

Yes, a waiter or waitress.

A servant.

Those who "wait on the Lord"----as in serve Him, cater to Him, help Him accomplish His work; to take His order and bring Him what He wants---those are the ones who renew their strength.

They mount up with wings as eagles.

They walk and do not faint. (Notice it says "walk", not "run ahead of Him"?)

Our faith is strengthened as our perspective is once again shifted to the reason we are on earth: it is not about us, but about doing His will.

Will you sign up for Wait Training 101?

You'll grow stronger spiritual muscles if you do.

Don't "wait on the Lord", wait on Him instead.


So now it is time to LINK-UP and join the party!!!!

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Better Mom Mondays Link-up is every Monday!!! Every week we have hundreds of posts linked up here from so many beautiful women with beautiful things to share!  I encourage you to visit their sites by clicking on the links and reading all of the fantastic ideas and insights! Also don't forget to join the fun by adding your blog!!   We request that if you join below -please add the Better Mom Mondays Link Up button to your post so your readers can find us here! (Posts can include the topics of mothering, marriage, homemaking, discipleship, recipes, organization and more!) You can find the html code in the sidebar, or "save as" copy, and paste the button below.

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