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Bible Reading Through the Ages {13-14 yrs} & Better Mom Monday Link-up!

We're on teen #2 in our household (with three more kiddos to come), and encouraging Bible reading and spiritual growth is an important topic to our family. While it may seem easier to plop a young one on your lap and read a Bible story, helping teens dig into Scripture need not be too intimidating!

Step 1  ::  Determine where they are

Now is a great time to freshly evaluate just where your teenager is in understanding the Bible.  Do they know most stories and accounts?  Are they familiar with one part of Scripture, but kind of weak in another?  

Wherever they fall, this age could thrive on a generous mix of:

Bible Basics  +  Life Application.

Reading for understanding of what happened long ago, but also just what is has to do with us now.

Step 2  ::  Decide on a plan

After you've taken inventory, it's time to build the habit of regular intake of the word.  Together with your teen {they do like to be involved!}, decide on one path for consistent Bible reading.  Break it up into bite-sized pieces!

Tips for making a Bible reading plan:

  • Choose a translation to use -- there are several teen study Bibles on the market; our family simply uses an NIV.  Have a small Bible for your teen's personal use in the version of choice, and read other translations online with Blue Letter Bible or also through Bible Gateway.
  • Choose how to read -- maybe you'll read the Bible chronologically, follow a pre-plan, or even focus on certain books.  An idea would be reading by themes:  OT prophets, The Gospel of John, or Paul's epistles, etc.  If you'd like a great mix of Bible basics plus life application, read the book of Proverbs!  Mix what your teen is familiar with, along with new-to-them Scriptures.
  • Choose when to read -- consistency is built through a regular time set apart, but again remember:  bite-sized pieces!  A little done consistently is more beneficial than a lot taken in at once.  We do evening, before bedtime for about 15 minutes, which seems to work.  Choose what will work with your teen's schedule.

Step 3  ::  Discover the Benefit of Resources

I've already mentioned a few online helps (more resources below), but let's not forget our teens are most likely linked into other technology such as apps, so use them as a resource!  A few of our favorites:

The Glo Bible app {basic version available for free!} is one of our family's new and favorite Bible resources.

Imagine the Bible coming to life with maps, photos, virtual tours, timelines and so much more while you read - I highly recommended this app!

Want an audio dramatized version of Scripture?  Or have a teen studying a world language?  Listen to the Bible in over 600+ languages with this handy free app.  Another one we've enjoyed and that is great for the whole family.


Also think out-of-the-box!  Have a artistic or hands-on teen?  Have them draw out passages of Proverbs in cartoon-style or create a comic strip of a Bible story.  We did the Proverbs thing once and it was down-right hilarious...talk about Scripture coming to life!

Let them make a movie, paint a picture, act out with younger siblings an account -- be creative and have fun!  Believe me, this will make the Bible passages read stick for a long time.  Good old-fashioned journal writing & reflections is great for the wordy teen; and every teen appreciates conversation about their thoughts on what's being read - make time for this.

Reminder!  ::  Don't be Intimidated by What You Don't Know

So maybe you're reading this post and feel out-of-sync...thinking you, along with your teen, could use each step.  Be at peace.

You're equipped for the journey more than you know.  First, there's a desire for you and your child to grow in Christ.  You have faith on your side, and determination to boot.  I'm not sure there's any other special requirements!

Go forward in small consistent steps and God will bless and multiply your efforts.  Don't give up or give in because of feeling a lack of Bible knowledge or being intimidated by the process.  Your teen will appreciate your honesty and will enjoy having you along for the journey!

Blessings, Daniele

Domestic Serenity


Other resources:

Crosswalk - for further Bible study :: The Narrated Bible - for reading chronologically :: a list of other Bible apps to consider


{photo credits} :: this post was written by Daniele of Domestic Serenity



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