About a year ago my son Noah had a box of gumballs. We had wood floors in the living room and the open box of gumballs was sitting on the coffee table. Noah went to pick up the box and dropped it on our wood floor. As you can imagine, the gumballs scattered. As this was happening, I responded as any calm, cool, and collected mom would. "Noah get that one!...Oh hurry grab that one!.. Oh no that one is going to roll under the couch, get it!..."
Later that night I thought about that silly event and I couldn't help but think how my life as a mom can feel just. like. that.
Every single day I am chasing gumballs scattering here, there, and everywhere. I am grabbing frantically for all of the things that I need to accomplish and do. We are doing laundry, making meals, helping with homework, homeschooling, playing, driving to lessons, practices, and games, changing diapers, feeding babies, cleaning, and the list goes on and on. And sometimes I can't help but wonder, "God do these things even matter?" It can seem monotonous and impossible at the same time.
As moms, we know what the list is, many times we struggle with how to do it all, but one thing we can't forget is why it all matters.
My dear friend, Joy Forney said it best, "I will pour myself into the task of discipling and shepherding my children. I will not waste this precious time that has been given to me. I will forsake the "good" to have time for the "best" and not worry what others may think."
Fellow mommy friends we have the best job in the world and we must not underestimate the calling on our lives. Just because what we do is often unnoticed and may seem invisible, don't lose sight of what will become visible in the lives of our children some day!
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