Have you taken time to share your God-stories with your kids? The times God's showed up in your life big time?
I've had a few over the years, and my kids have heard the big ones, but I started thinking about the "smaller" things--the time an unexpected check showed up in the mail at just the right time. Or when a friend and I started praying for her pregnancy because we each had a dream (I dreamt I was watching her give birth, and she dreamt she was having a baby). And yes she was pregnant with a miracle baby!
Psalm 144:4 says, "One generation shall laud Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts."
I love that. Our kids need to know how God worked in our lives ... so they can expect Him to do the same in theirs.
Think about stories you can share:
A moment of fear
When you were down to the last penny
When you were lost (I have a Paris airport story I still cringe to talk about.)
When you felt like giving up
When you never thought Mr. (or Mrs.) Right would show up
When you were tempted
When you felt dirty because of your sin
When you were overwhelmed
When you didn't know how to help another person
When you were sick
Those are just a few ideas to get you started. And if you have godly parents or grandparents around encourage them to share their stories too. Our kids need to know to trust God and expect He'll show up.
When they do, they'll have a few stories to share with their kids, too!
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