Simple Ways to Scatter Christmas Kindness

Christmas is an excuse to make someone's life better! This season brings so many opportunities to serve in our communities and to consider others who are in need. Its a natural time to show our children to how to be kind and compassionate...and scattering kindness is simpler than you ever imagined, especially with all the tools we have to help you today!

What Defines Us

We each look in the mirror everyday and it's easy to think that the reflection looking back at us is who we actually are. But, mamas, our identity rests somewhere else entirely and its beauty never fades. Do you know who you were meant to be?

Crisis and Self-Care

How do you cope with crises? If your like most moms, your own needs fly out the window first as you rally for your family. But self care, it seems, might be the most important component to staying healthy and strong as your family faces difficulty.