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Let's Give Him Space to Speak

I know how hard it is at times to take a break, but I can say for certain it is always 100% worth it. These 100 inspiring devotions for moms will help you to pause and give Him space to speak. Find your place, grab a pen and a Bible and spend some t…

“Motherhood isn’t easy. You have to work really hard.” –Sally Clarkson

When I first heard those words, it’s like a light bulb came on for me. Motherhood IS hard work. All this time I have been trying to make it easier!

The pages of the Bible describe men and women God used in mighty ways. They were often unsuspecting heroes in God’s Story. All of them imperfect, but each of them, asked to do hard things. Sometimes they were asked to do what seemed like impossible things.

Abraham left his hometown.

Moses confronted Pharaoh.

David fought a giant.

The disciples left behind businesses, friends, and even family.

The list goes on, but you get the point – following God’s calling is not easy. Motherhood is no different. 

We live in a culture that highly values comfort, simplicity, and ease. We want a method. We think we MUST be doing something wrong because it shouldn’t be THIS hard. It’s tempting at times, to lose heart and perspective. Though motherhood isn’t easy, it is worth it.

The Christian life in general, and motherhood in particular, is a call to endure, even when it’s not easy. But this is not a hopeless and helpless trudging through life. God always gives us hope in the middle of hard things. He gives us His hope, direction, guidance and affection if we give Him the space to speak.

Don’t see these years of motherhood as hard years, but “heart years.” God often uses hidden years to develop within us a heart of integrity and faithfulness. Moses was a shepherd in the desert long before he publicly stepped on the stage in defiance of Pharaoh. As hard as motherhood can be, God uses these years to teach us and refine us. Many people can be great in public, but few are equally as great in private. As a mom set your heart on honoring your God and family.

Let your heart rest in knowing that God does some of his best work in the hidden years. Lean on Him. Find your hope in Him. Learn from Him. Press pause and give Him space to speak.

Pressing Pause offers a break from the busy and rest from the rush. I know how hard it is at times to take a break, but I can say for certain it is always 100% worth it. These 100 inspiring devotions for moms will help you to pause and give Him space to speak. Find your place, grab a pen and a Bible and spend some time learning from Him.

Grab your copy of Pressing Pause here:



Proverbs 31


Family Christian

Barnes & Noble




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