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I Quit. The Day I Left It All Behind.

I Quit. The Day I Left It All Behind.

I Quit. The Day I Left It All Behind.

Have you ever felt as if the weight of the world were on your shoulders? Even after praying, crying, and waiting on God - you just can't shake that feeling? I have. And as a matter of fact, as I write these very words, I am fighting back against it. Maybe you are feeling this way today, too? Even if you are not, I pray that these words will minister to your heart.

Today, (and every day here after) I quit. I give myself permission to be free from all the responsibilities that the world has placed upon me. Not the responsibilities that God has given me - but the dead weight attached to things that were bogging me down - literally choking the very life out of me. I give myself permission to quit accepting the lies that satan has so cunningly weaved into the landscape of my mind: the what-ifs, the if I were only, or the I'll never be good enough and the you should be doing more lies.

Yes, those lies.

I refuse to be bogged down by the luring of the grass being so green and freshly cut on the other-side; because I know that my tender grass is right where He wants it to be. I know that God is in charge of how and when my grass (life) will flourish and shape up into the very place He's called me by name. And it is only in that place that I want to dwell.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. ~Psalm 91:4 KJV

It is under his wings that I have found the truth. The truth that sets me free day after day, after day. The truth that gives me hope when I am faced with what seems like an impossible situation. It is in this place that I am able to find His strength to cover my weakness and give me wisdom to finish the course. And even though it isn't always easy, there is peace in this place. And I cannot live without it.

Perhaps you are going through a time where you are feeling the weight of the world, dear sister. I challenge you to figure out what it is that you can let go today and turn it back over to Jesus, where it belongs. Make a list of the things that are weighing heavily upon you and present it in prayer to the Lord. Pray and ask Him for the wisdom to remove these burdens from your life.

In them meantime, dear sister, I am praying for you. Let's quit allowing the world's way of thinking penetrate our hearts. Let's quit believing things that are in direct contradiction with God's word. Let's quit beating ourselves up and setting impossible standards. Instead let us abide under God's mighty hand and allow Him to heal us and show us the truth of who He created us to be. Let's pray together and memorize His Word so we can fight off the lies of the enemy. Let's declare to make 2015 our best year yet! Are you with me?

Monthly Scripture Memorization Challenge.png

I invite each of you to come and join me and 500+ other women on our journey to memorize God's word together in 2015. Let's commit to bind God's word in our heart, mind, and family! Together we can win more hearts for our King Jesus!

In His Great Service,

Carlie K. @ Managing Your Blessings

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