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Dear Mom in Transition: Loving Yourself Well During Tough Times

Dear Mom in Transition: Loving Yourself Well During Tough Times

Dear Mom in Transition, I’d thought to write a letter to you.

Maybe you’re a new mom through adoption or birth, a military mom, a mom moving across town or across countries, a mom experiencing a job change or transfer; a mom of new teens, or empty nesters wondering how the time flew; Single moms, married moms, or the suddenly-left-alone mom.

So many situations. All of us in transition and change. 

Maybe experiencing happy memories or joy in the process, but overall?  It’s tough. 

Change, even when anticipated, just shifts everything. 

Moms, we often get lost in caring for details. All the people (little and big) depending on us need attention in the change. There’s no magic button to do the laundry, feed the kids or pay those bills. 

Everyday things still have to happen. Change the baby. Pack a box. Charge my phone.

And even when we’re blessed with husbands, family and friends…our list feels endless. 

Caring for our emotional or spiritual needs? Where does THAT fit in?

Dear Mom, if you’re in the deep waters of transition…


Literally. Take a deep breath in and slowly release. Then decide where in the next hour, next day or next week you will take a break and for how long. 

No friend, it’s not optional — it’s necessary. 

Pause for a cup of coffee or tea, to briefly nap, or for a much needed conversation with someone who will hold your story. It can be short, that works.

Pause. Then go ahead and schedule the next pause so you can look forward to it. 

We’re not martyrs. We’re mothers. And the two don’t mean the same thing.


Sister friend, God is for you in this change. Sometimes when we need him most, we seek him least. I can relate! Can you shift perspective today?

Add to your thinking and feeling a trust in God’s care for you. 

He sees. He knows. I believe he cares deeply, grieves with you and will not leave you where you are now.

And if you need to exercise trust again and again, it’s not a sign of weakness. 

God delights in our presence! He’s not intimidated by your situation or taken aback by the emotions you feel. Allow him to carry this burden of transition—ask him in prayer. 


While our list is long, practically we can only do one thing at a time. Maybe a few things, but really only step by step.

So decide what is next (or allow someone to help you). What is most important right now? What do you have to let go of until another day?

If all the things need done all right now with all the feels you have… well, it just might be a recipe for disaster. Not at all helpful. Try doing just the next thing.

So take a life-giving pause today, even a small one. Exercise trust in the One who will see you through this change. Then do the next thing.

I’m praying for you,


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