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A Different Kind Of Love

a-different-kind-of-loveI had a conversation with my mom the other day about the love I have for my son.  She sparked the conversation by asking,

“Did you ever think you could love someone so much?”

The first thing I wanted to answer was “No!” But as I thought about it more, I explained to my mom that I have a great love for both my husband and my son... it is just a different kind of love!

I love my husband!

I enjoy spending time with him, I am energized by our relationship, I desire to serve him, and we have an intimate bond because of the gift of sex.  Our marriage represents the same love that Christ has for His bride, the Church, so we strive to live according to God’s ways so that other people would be encouraged by our relationship.

Our love for one another is deep.

My husband and I continue to grow more in love with each passing day, fueled by trust, faithfulness, passion, accountability, and adventure.  We are friends and companions.  I confide in my husband in a special way that I couldn’t with anyone else.

My love for my son is also deep, but in a different way.

My son relies on me to feed him, change him, teach him, cheer for him, and comfort him.  We get to bond through these moments daily, and we got to bond while he was growing inside of me.  My love for my son is motivated by a sense that I need to protect him, provide for him, and teach him.  I have a responsibility to care for him in a way that is very different than how I care for my husband.

I never would have thought that someone would need me so much!

I also think it is pretty incredible to experience a role that God himself knows... being a parent!  We are God’s children:

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” - 1 John 3:1

I desire to lavish love on my son, just as God does for us.

I am learning that there are many levels or layers to my love.  There are also many ways to express my love.  Through this learning process I hope to understand the depths of love as Christ Himself does.  I pray that I can love extravagantly and unselfishly in both of my relationships with my husband and my son.

Do you recognize the different kind of love between your spouse and your child(ren)?

If so, what ways do you love them differently?

- Jennifer Smith    unveiledwife.com

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