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How to Make Homemade Laundry Soap

Several years ago my husband introduced a 5 gallon bucket of slime as our new laundry soap. I skeptically said, "Fine- if you make it than I'll use it, but I don't have time to make my own soap!"

Today I made yet another batch of this detergent, because long ago I was convinced and took over the job. As I got out my supplies I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to pass on the fun and savings to you!

I did a quick search on amazon today and prices ranged between $0.12-0.34 per load of liquid detergents compared to about $0.02 for the homemade soap. The Simple Dollar did a side by side mustard test using homemade soap and Tide with bleach alternative- the results: both detergents cleaned the same. With a house full of 3 boys we do a LOT of laundry around here, and our pockets appreciate the yearly savings.

Ingredients and Supplies: 1 bar Castile Soap, grated 1 cup Washing Soda (not the same as baking soda) 1/2 cup Borax 5 gallon bucket Funnel Empty vinegar jugs (my favorite because they're tall, slender and fit nicely up in my cupboard.)

You can buy Kirk's Castile Soap at amazon.com or Lucky Vitamin. You can use Ivory or Fels-Naptha too, I just recommend using something fragrance free.

Grate a bar of soap into a pot and add 4 cups of water.

Melt the soap over medium-high heat, but don't let the water boil.

Pour the soapy water into a 5 gallon bucket. Add 3 gallons of hot water. Mix in the washing soda and borax.  After you stir everything thoroughly then line up your empty bottles. It's helpful to have someone hold the funnel as you fill each jug 3/4 full. You need to leave room because it must be shaken before each use.  We use 1 cup per load in our top load machine.  I hope you have fun making your own laundry soap!! It is so easy and saves a lot of money!  It took a little convincing from my hubby, but now I won't ever go back!

Blessings, Sarah Renee

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